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Coronavirus Pandemic Update: Don’t neglect your other health needs!

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It’s business as usual in General Practice


We are truly amazed how responsible have been at staying home & keeping our community safe from coronavirus.

We have seen an unexpected consequence being that people are accessing their GP less during the pandemic, possibly for fear of catching the virus itself in the clinic or as an act of altruism to free up clinical resources due to a misconception that GPs are busy fighting the pandemic.

The reality is that we are striving to keep our clinic safe by deterring people with viral infections from entering the clinic & offering, where possible, telehealth appointments to assist our loyal patients.

There continues to be a good availability to see or speak to the GPs or nurses here.

At EMC we remain committed to maintaining the good health of our community & feel passionately that people should still access their GP for routine & emergency care rather than put it off until the pandemic has passed. No health concern or symptom is trivial in our minds & we are eager to continue to provide our usual service, even in these unusual times.

For more information follow the RACGP campaign at:

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